Most Oldest Churches in Hyderabad
Telugu Churches is one popular Christianity website in Telugu states. we can find Any information on Churches Most Oldest Churches Located in can easily Find a different location In Google Maps is available on churches and Visit the Historical churches in Hyderabad is a spirit of excellence to Prayers and inspires the people.
Telugu Churches provides the service of best churches in Hyderabad. This service is not only supplying the needs, not only of Jesus's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to Jesus. It will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone And in their prayers for God's of people, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. This best website for the people who will worship the Lord Jesus. Telugu Churches help you so much for visiting the best churches in the Telugu states. If you want to visit any church then you can follow that church in we need to find any information specials prayers and events are conducting in every church then you can visit and also can attend to the special prayers in that church. If you want any prayers you can follow him on this website then follow instructions To Attend the Churches Timings and notifications. We can easily see the upcoming events of pastors or different churches information through the events option.
St. George's Church, Hyderabad
St. George's Church is the oldest church in the Hyderabad city, India. This Church built in 1844 AD by the Church Missionary Society(CMS) and has been unionized in 1947 into the Church of South India a Uniting Church. It is Located on Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad.
St Joseph's Cathedral, Hyderabad
St. Joseph's Cathedral church is a Roman Catholic in Hyderabad city. It is one Oldest church in Hyderabad and one of the most beautiful churches in Secunderabad cities of Telangana, India. Established in 1820 AD, laid its foundation on 18 March 1870, the eve of the Solemnity of St. Joseph Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions took charge in 1872 and completed the main building, which was consecrated and opened for divine worship on Christmas Eve of 1875, it is Located on Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad.
St. Mary's Basilica Catholic Church
St. Mary's Church, Secunderabad(Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption) is a minor basilica the church is located in Secunderabad, India. The decree designating it as a basilica was issued on 7 November 2008. St. Mary's Church was completed in 1850. This church was formerly the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. In 1886, it ceased to be a cathedral. In 1871, opened a school that is popular as St. Ann's school in Hyderabad.
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